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9 Diaper Bag Essentials You Should Always Have With You 9 Diaper Bag Essentials You Should Always Have With You

9 Diaper Bag Essentials You Should Always Have With You

Taking your baby with you on outings is quite daunting at first. There is a whole list of things that you might need in case of a variety of different eventualities playing out. But before you go and pack in the kitchen sink, here is our baby diaper bag checklist!

Diaper Bag Essentials
A well-stocked diaper bag can give you peace of mind and help make outings much easier to navigate. Some items seem obvious to most, diapers, wet wipes, etc. But there are other items that you might not think of off the bat. And then there are those bits and bobs that are unique to each mom and baby!

1. Portable Changing Mat
When the time comes to change your little one’s diaper, you will need a convenient changing pad to lay them on.

2. Diapers and Wet Wipes
I almost always have a diaper bag packed and ready to go at a moment’s notice. I keep two to three diapers in the bag. Adjust the quantity for longer outings. You are looking at one diaper per two hours out and about and one extra for good luck! Additionally, always make sure that you have a packet of baby wipes in the bag. Baby wipes have uses that go above and beyond wiping little bottoms!

3. Bags for Dirty Diapers and Soiled Clothes
There might not always be a suitable place to dispose of your baby’s soiled diapers when you are changing them on the trot. Likewise, if their clothes get wet or dirty. You don't want to be putting those back into a bag full of clean items. Pop some compostable bags in your diaper bag to wrap these items up and isolate them from the rest of your diaper bag’s contents.

4. Bum Cream
Diaper rash can make a baby very cranky and uncomfortable. And sometimes a diaper rash will appear as if out of nowhere. Good idea: pack in your preferred diaper cream or bum balm just in case. A vegan diaper cream made without phthalates and parabens is always a win!

5. Milk Bottles
If your little one is formula-fed, pack in enough formula for the feeds that they are going to need while you are out. As well as the bottles. You might want to pack in water for mixing with the formula, just in case.

6. Extra Cloths
A few extra brushed cotton receiving blankets or burp cloths can be used in several ways. I like to place a cloth over the changing pad so that it is not so cold against my little one’s skin. A bonus is that it soaks up any “spills” or smears that might happen while I change my baby’s diaper. Especially in the first few months, it is handy to have a cloth to cover your little boy while you change his diaper to prevent being sprayed in the eye or anywhere else for that matter! And of course, you might need a cloth for burping your little one after a feed.

7. A Change of Clothes
Depending on how long you plan to be out, you will want to pack in spare clothing for your baby. And perhaps an extra shirt for you too!

8. Hand Sanitizer
Thanks to the Covid 19 pandemic, few of us will go anywhere without hand sanitizer. Nevertheless, not a bad idea to pop a travel-sized one in your diaper bag. For those moments when you quickly need to de-germ something!

9. Comfort Blanket or Soft Toy
Sometimes, I feel as if this is THE most important item to go with everywhere we go! Does your little one have a “blanky” or beloved soft toy that helps to soothe them when something goes wrong? Make sure to pack it in!

Extra Things to Pack in a Diaper Bag
I have dry hands, so I don’t go anywhere without hand moisturizer. My friend Alicia has gorgeous locks that she usually wears loose. But, when she changes her little one’s diaper, she likes to tie her hair up. A diaper bag essential for her: Hair elastics.

While some items are unique to some parents, here is a list of extra things that you might like to add to your baby diaper bag checklist:

1. Pacifier
If your baby uses a pacifier, this is a diaper bag must-have. Store it in a container or a sealed plastic bag to keep it sanitary.

2. Baby’s Favorite Toy or Book
If you are going to be somewhere a while and want to have something to keep your little one entertained for a few short moments, pack in their favorite toy or a book or two.

3. Sunscreen
When you are outdoors, you will want to make sure to protect your little one from the sun’s rays. For babies younger than six months, opt for a hat and a light blanket as sun protection instead.

4. Nursing Cover
Breastfeeding moms might like to pack in a nursing cover for when they breastfeed in public.

5. Nasal Aspirator
Don’t be caught out with a baby with a stuffy nose. Pack your nasal aspirator in so that you can sort out that stuffy nose if need be!

6. Teething Ring
Pack in a teething toy or teething ring for those times when your baby is going through a teething phase. This is also an item you can pop into a Tupperware or plastic bag to keep sanitary.

7. Water Bottle and Snack for Mom
It is always important to stay hydrated, especially when you are breastfeeding. And having a little snack on hand is fantastic as a quick pick-me-up when things do not quite go according to plan.

What to Look for in a Diaper Bag
Top of your diaper bag checklist is a good quality diaper bag! You will use your diaper bag A LOT. And I mean, A LOT! You will want to invest in a robust bag. One that can handle all the bumps and grazes that will be part of the journey. And, quite honestly, most of us would like a diaper bag that is easy on the eyes too. After all, you are going to be carrying the bag around with you almost everywhere you go for the first two years of your little one’s life. Things to consider when choosing a diaper bag:

  • To help you find things easier, you will want a bag with lots of different compartments.
  • Your diaper bag should be easy to carry. I have tried both: an over-the-shoulder sling bag with baby number one and backpack style with baby number two. I found the backpack diaper bag easier to carry while dealing with a baby on my hip or in a pouch.
  • Check fasteners, stitching, zips, etc. This bag is going to do some serious mileage. You will want to rest easy knowing that all the components are going to last.

Diaper Bag Must-Haves

This list may seem dauntingly extensive at first, but you will get the hang of it in no time at all! Most of the items are quite obvious and standard. For the rest, your and your baby’s unique needs will help to guide you when packing your diaper bag.

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